Monday, 23 June 2014

Mangare Mountain

Wow!!! what an amazing experience the Whanau unit had a trip to an amazing spiritual place. Mangare mountain.

What was the name of the iwi?
Who was the rangatira of the area?
Write down one thing you learnt from the trip?


  1. WOW!!!! William it looks like u had a great time at Mangare Mountain.
    From Diamond

  2. Nice stuff Asiph it looks like u had a great time at the top of Mangare Mountain. U looked like u owned the mountain. From Diamond

  3. Looks fun Edyn rowing the waka. From Brooke

  4. Mangare Mountain was very big. When we got to the top of the mountain I felt like I was in the scene of titanic. From Canaan :) <3

  5. When we got to the top of Mangare Mountain we did a Maungawhau and i felt proud because Maungawhau Mountain was watching us. From Canaan

  6. !.Te Wai o Hua. 2. Hape. 3. How to grow Kumara..... properly!...From Whaea Arndrea and Logan.

  7. that was so cool.From Ezra
