Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Tena Koutou Katoa Nga Whanau O Pomaria.

Ruma 9

Whāia Te Iti Kahurangi
Ki Te Tūohu Koe, Me He Maunga Teitei

The importance of understanding your own identity is important. Tamariki learn and become proud of their culture and enjoy learning about  their own Tikanga. We need to make sure our Tamariki are able to see the positives in being Maori and not the negatives of what the society sometimes displays.

Maumahara Ki To Tupuna


  1. Kia Ora Room 9. Great to see you have made a blog. We are looking forward to seeing your posts and following your learning journey.

  2. Awesome Learners. Loved the poi, sport!!! and dancing. Cant wait to see more. Mrs Wilson

  3. You guys are awesome even that im in their.

  4. I think this blog is cool!!. I feel happy when i look at at my Whanau. From Devante.

  5. I can tell that yous are all ready working on your blog. tumeke Kianu tumeke room 9.From Diamond-Kianu.

  6. Room 9 I can tell you guys have been all ready working on your blogger Tumeke Kianu and Tumeke room 9. From Diamond=]=]

  7. You's are best in the west

  8. Tumeke peoples that's awesome from Kianu.

  9. That was so awesome.I hope the next video i could be in there.And that is right Kianu
