Sunday, 25 May 2014

Silver medal wrestling.

Congratulations  to Keisha Togo, for achieving a silver medal at a wrestling tournament in Hamilton .

Ka Mau Te Wehi!!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Cross country Inter School Champs

Ka mau Te wehi thankyou 
Kia ora 
To Whanau who came and supported!!!

Every single person who ran at this event were amazing, perseverance , mana and resilience.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Te Ropu Rangatira First marathon!

Ka mau Te wehi Te Ropu Rangatira has achieve their first kids marathon I am so proud of these boys and diamond. They showed all the PPLB during their run  and  showed how much mana they had!

Monday, 12 May 2014

Tuesday Quiz


What is a Kaitiaki?
Do you know a name of any Kaitiaki?
Why is it important to be a Kaitiaki?

Monday, 5 May 2014

Tuesday quiz.

Over the holidays Matua Heke was apart of an amazing holiday programme.

Write 5 adjectives about this picture?
Who is in this picture?
Write a sentence to explain what is happening in this picture?